

Having a place to call home is a basic right that all people deserve. Yet people with disabilities often go a long time without finding a place to live. Discrimination, among other things, often prevents or delays the process of setting up living arrangements.

With our Residential Supports, the people we support are able to live in a place they can call home, where they feel safe, independent, and supported by staff, family, and other loved ones.

*In order to receive the service you must already have the HCBS waiver from OPWDD.*

What Residential Supports Do We Offer?

  • Some of the people we support may not be ready to live on their own or prefer not to. As a result, the program known as the Individualized Residential Alternative (IRA) program is designed to accommodate more than one person in a group living setting. By living with roommates, the people we support have the opportunity to develop long-lasting friendships, have a sense of safety, and be an active community member.