About Us
Person Centered Care Services is a not for profit organization creating social change within communities by supporting people with disabilities on their search for identity and acceptance.
Founded in 2001, Person Centered Care Services (PCCS) provides person-centered supports and services to people with disabilities and their families in the New York City area. From supports in education, employment, and housing to training, counseling, and advocacy initiatives, we have been at the forefront of continuing to expand opportunities for people with disabilities. Throughout the years, our vision has remained the same: equitable opportunities for people with developmental disabilities, and a network of disability allies spread across communities near and far.
For people with disabilities, progress in civil rights over the past few decades has been a direct result of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. While strides have been made since then, we know that there is still more work to be done. Many people with disabilities, as well as their families, continue to face a variety of barriers and uncertainty when it comes to the supportive services that are most essential to their everyday lives. Most live in communities that do not provide universal access to resources that every community member has a right to utilize. Getting an education, finding a place to call home, and earning a living, for example, becomes unnecessarily difficult in a society that still views disabilities through an antiquated lens. Equally relevant is the uncertainty of substantial funding for the direct services and supports that people with disabilities and their families depend on every single day to not just survive but also thrive.
It is these types of barriers and so much more that we here at PCCS are dedicated to resolving.
Our work is not only focused on making a direct impact in the lives of those we support, but creating a network of disability allies who will accelerate our work toward our mission—a more inclusive community.